Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mark Waid is the New Chuck Norris

So once again credit goes to Graeme McMillan and the commentators over at Newsarama for filling today with bloggy content. Apparently they've started a new internet meme expressing just how bad ass Mark Waid is.
Based upon rumours popping up over at CBR, apparently claiming that Mark Waid was fired as a DC editor under aggressive circumstances, the jokes are flying around that Waid would kill you just as quick as write you a comic. Here are some of my favourite Excerpts:

Mark Waid once didn’t like how a comic was inked, so he bought three gallons of ink and force fed it to the inker.
-Comment by Jason M. Bryant

Mark Waid knows the Anti-Life Equation. And Darkseid doesn’t.
-Comment by Confirmed Coyle

When Jesse Quick lost her virginity, Mark Waid found it and put it back.
-Comment by Confirmed Coyle

Mark Waid can make Mephisto forget about the Spider marriage.
-Comment by Dave

Before he met Mark Waid, Alan Moore’s hands were steady enough to shave himself.
-Comment by Jason M. Bryant

The real reason Mark Waid left Flash? Wally West couldn’t keep up.
-Comment by Blake Petit

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